SHUDEIは、常滑焼で伝統的に使われてきた土、「朱泥(しゅでい)」にフォーカスして生まれたプロダクトシリーズです。陶芸家 大澤哲哉氏の協力により実現し、一品一品、氏が轆轤(ろくろ)をひいて制作。朱泥は古くから急須や湯のみに使われてきた素材だけあって、人の手によく馴染む手触りが魅力です。この質感にこだわるため、プロダクトはできるだけシンプルな機能に集約。実用的であると同時に、見るものを楽しませるものに仕上がりました。色は、異なる焼成方法をとることで2色のバリエーションをご用意。ギフトにもおすすめです。
材料 : 朱泥 寸法:L=140㎜ φ20㎜
【PAPER WEIGHT】焼き物の重さをほどよく感じるペーパーウェイトです。大切な書類にご利用いただくのはもちろん、インテリアとしてもお楽しみいただけます。材料 : 朱泥 寸法 : H=45㎜ φ35㎜
SHUDEI is, soil that has been traditionally used in Tokoname, is a product series that was born to focus on "Shudoro (Shudei)". Realized in collaboration with ceramic artist Mr. Tetsuya Osawa, production dish, it is playing a potter's wheel (potter's wheel). There is only material that has been originally used in a teapot or cup, is well familiar feel attractive to hand to people. Order to stick to this texture, product aggregation in as much as possible simple function. At the same time to be practical, it finished in one to entertain what you see. Color, offer a variation of the two colors by taking a different firing method. It is also recommended gift.
[PEN]One by one, is a porcelain pen craftsman is made by hand. Shudoro familiar well to palm touch was a unique Zarari, writing comfort is also smooth. Please use dipped in ink solution tip.
[PAPER WEIGHT]It is moderately feel paper weight the weight of the pottery. The order to use the important documents, of course, you also can enjoy as an interior.